Opsis Celebrates Five Promotions

Opsis celebrates the promotions of five staff.

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Opsis Welcomes Three New Staff

Opsis welcomes three new hires for the last half of 2020.

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We Must Do Better

We must do better. We stand in anti-racist solidarity and support of the Black community and against discrimination of any kind against any people and commit ourselves more fervently, through our words, decisions, actions and financial commitments, to be more actively and immediately engaged accelerators of societal change.

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Multicultural Center recognized for Facility Design Excellence by ACUI

The Multicultural Center at Western Washington University has received the 2020 Facility Design of Excellence award by the Association of College Unions International.

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Opsis Projects honored by WoodWorks 2020 Wood Design Awards

We are honored to share that Eugene School District 4J’s Arts and Technology Academy and Oregon Zoo Education Center were recognized by WoodWorks 2020 Wood in Design awards. An annual recognition, the Wood in Design awards honors projects demonstrating attributes of wood such as beauty, strength, versatility and cost effectiveness.

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Opsis Ranks 43rd in ARCHITECT Magazine’s 2019 Architect 50

Opsis was named 43 in ARCHITECT Magazine’s 2019 Architect 50 list! We are honored to be named in the Architect 50—a nationwide ranking of architecture firms—for the second year running.

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Navigation Center Honored by IIDA Oregon Design Excellence Impact Award

The Oregon Harbor of Hope Navigation Center, which opened in September of 2019, was honored by the Oregon IIDA Chapter with an Impact Award and an Honorable Mention in the Civic Category at the annual awards celebration.

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Opsis Renews JUST Social Justice Label

Opsis has renewed the JUST Social Justice Label.

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Opsis Founding Partner Jim Kalvelage named to AIA College of Fellows

Opsis Architecture (Opsis) announces that founding partner Jim Kalvelage has been elevated by the American Institute of Architects (AIA) to the College of Fellows.

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Opsis Ranks #24 in ARCHITECT 50

We are honored to be named #24 among ARCHITECT Magazine’s 2018 annual Architect 50 rankings.

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