Catch up on Advanced Timber Structures: Breaking Out of the Box Paradigm

In case you missed it, catch up on the mass timber panel discussion featuring Opsis Principal Alec Holser and Lucas Epp of StructureCraft at the 2021 TimberCon hosted by Architect’s Newspaper. 

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2021 New Hires & Promotions

2021 Opsis new hires and promotions announcement.

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We stand with the AAPI community

We encourage all members of our community to join us in exploring ways to fight racism against Asian Americans and all those subject to expressions of hate.

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Alec Holser to present at TimberCon 2021 hosted by The Architect’s Newspaper

We are excited to share that Founding Partner, Alec Holser, FAIA, will be co-presenting with Lucas Epp of StructureCraft at the upcoming TimberCon 2021 conference by The Architect’s Newspaper.

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Say Hello to Leodis V. McDaniel High

Say goodbye to the Madison High School namesake and hello to Leodis V. McDaniel High.

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Gender-Neutral Design in Oregon High School Restroom & Locker Room Facilities Case Study

In seeking to inclusively provide for the basic needs of everyone in our community, designers and our clients have embarked on a journey to create thoughtful and functional gender-neutral restroom and locker room facilities.

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First U.S. net zero school has 10-year checkup by Alec Holser for Seattle DJC

The LEED platinum Hood River Middle School Music and Science Wing was the first certified net zero energy public school in the country. Now, 10 years later, the project continues to perform exceptionally both technically in balancing energy use and production, but almost more importantly, as a real-life teaching tool for middle school students to easily understand their own direct effect on the consumption of energy and ultimately their impact to the larger environment and forces creating climate change.

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Exploring new ideas with the students at New Urban High School

Inspired by the work of our staff with the International and Refugee students at Portland Public Schools through the International Youth Council, the New Urban High School design team engaged students throughout the design process to gather their ideas about the building by asking the question ‘What makes you feel welcome?’

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IIDA Oregon’s 2020 Design Crawl stops at the Navigation Center

The Opsis design team led a virtual tour and Q&A session of the award-winning Oregon Harbor of Hope Navigation Center for IIDA Oregon’s second stop on the 2020 Annual Design Crawl.

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The Pavilion goes international with a feature in Austrian Magazine Schule & Sportstätte

A favorite place to play in Central Oregon, the Bend Pavilion is winning new fans in Europe. As a cover feature in Schule & Sportstatte, the Australian publication of the International Association for Sports and Leisure Facilities, readers are asked Eishhalle? Eislaufplatz? We say The Pavilion design is both!

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