Designed to embrace flexibility and adapt to changing program needs over time, the Building 7 Addition establishes an open and transparent quality to the main campus quad while providing a new highly flexible ‘bar” building that can accommodate classrooms, open study, and faculty offices within modular grid.
Size: 27,663 sf
Location: Portland, OR
Stat: LEED Gold
As the first in a series of projects to take place as part of the 2008 Rock Creek Redevelopment project, this addition to the existing 1993 Science Building fulfilled the campus’s intent to preserve open green space on campus.
The $10 million project includes general purpose classrooms and support spaces such as a Multi-Cultural Center, a Teaching and Learning Center, a Women’s Resource Center, a 5,000 sf Student Learning Center with open workspace and computer stations, three large casual study lounges and several smaller group study rooms.
The addition utilizes sustainable design strategies such as on-site stormwater treatment, a rain garden, a wind-powered turbine and ventilators on the roof, and incorporation of rapidly renewable and high-recycled-content materials. The addition’s east curtain wall spans the length of the building, maximizing daylighting and views. Selective demolition started in the summer, allowing the existing building remaining occupied during construction.