The Performing Arts Building creates a vibrant, cross disciplinary home for the arts and new public front door to the intimately scaled collegiate gothic campus.
Size: 78,000 sf
Location: Portland, OR
Stat: Earth Advantage Gold Certification
2015, AIA Northwest and Pacific Region, Design Citation Award
2015, AIA, Education Facility Design Awards, Award of Merit
2015, IES Portland, Illumination Awards, F.C. Baker Award of Excellence
2015, IES Portland, Illumination Awards, Edwin F. Guth Interior Lighting Design Category
2015, USITT, Architecture Merit Award
2014, IIDA Oregon, Interior Design Excellence Awards, Best in Category, Education
2014, Interior Design Magazine, Best of Year Award, Finalist
2014, WoodWorks, National US Wood Design Award, Beauty of Wood
2014, OCAPA, EIC Award, Education
2013, AIA Portland, Design Awards, People’s Choice Award