Student Life

CGCC Student Housing

Student Services & Instructional Building

Idaho Central Credit Union Arena Construction featured in The Architect’s Newspaper

The excitement for the Idaho Central Credit Union Arena at University of Idaho continues to build! Check out this terrific feature story on the Arena in The Architect’s Newspaper newest issue written by Matthew Marani.

Say Hello to Leodis V. McDaniel High

Say goodbye to the Madison High School namesake and hello to Leodis V. McDaniel High.

First U.S. net zero school has 10-year checkup by Alec Holser for Seattle DJC

The LEED platinum Hood River Middle School Music and Science Wing was the first certified net zero energy public school in the country. Now, 10 years later, the project continues to perform exceptionally both technically in balancing energy use and production, but almost more importantly, as a real-life teaching tool for middle school students to easily understand their own direct effect on the consumption of energy and ultimately their impact to the larger environment and forces creating climate change.

Catlin Gabel Community Center for Athletics and Wellness

PSU Smith Memorial Union Study

Pierce College Center Building

PCC Rock Creek Campus Development Plan